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Diversity Day

On Friday 27th May, the whole school carried out various activities that showcased the different cultures of the school. Every class took part in a show and tell about their culture. The children then had the opportunity to get involved in a number of activities such as creating a healthy snack that the children then sampled. In the afternoon the children rotated across the year group and got the opportunity to learn about various countries celebrating their heritage (Ireland, Somalia, Jamaica, India and Pakistan). They also completed various activities such as; learning Irish dances, decorating their own 'Somali dresses', making their very own hats using feathers, and they got to design their own henna. 

"I loved making my hat because we could decorate it beautifully!"- Tanvi.

"I enjoyed making my sandwich and ate it all!"- Luis

"I like doing the show and tell because I showed my cricket bat to all my friends!- Aaban 

" I loved making  Somali dresses with my group. We used a lot of glitter to make it sparkle!" - Abigail

" I really liked going to all the classes in year 2 and learning about the different countries. My favourite was Jamaica because we could decorate our hats!" - Aman 

I loved the show and tell because I got to learn so much cool stuff about different countries and cultures!" - Aria